# darkCast

Where Sound Unleashes Imagination

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Season 01

E13 - Angel Infiltration

The pilots are undergoing a synchronization test directed by Ritsuko deep within NERV headquarters when a new Angel, Ireul, appears within the base itself, being initially mistaken for corrosion. This Angel is actually a collection of millions of microscopic organisms, which interact to create a living biological computer circuit. Ireul infects NERV’s computer network, and then infiltrates two of the three Magi supercomputers that control the base before Ritsuko is able to set up a firewall to slow its advance. Ritsuko comes up with a scheme to use the Angel’s rapid adaptive ability against it and force it to evolve into a benign state, but must race to implement the program before the Angel gains control of the base’s self-destruct. After successfully pulling off the plan and destroying the Angel, Ritsuko gives Misato some insight about the Magi’s workings, relaying the story of how her mother based its design on her own personality.


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