# darkCast

Where Sound Unleashes Imagination

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Season 01

E14 - Seele, The Seat Of The Soul

The first half of this episode is a clip show, in the form of a report by Seele reviewing Gendo’s actions, summarizing the first season of episodes and the story up until this point. In the second half, Ritsuko conducts an experiment to determine if pilots can be switched between the Evangelions they normally pilot. Rei can synchronize with Unit 01 fairly well, but when Shinji attempts to synchronize with Unit 00, it goes violently berserk inside of the base, in a manner identical to the failed activation test that took place before Shinji’s arrival in Tokyo-3. As before, Unit 00 attacks the hangar’s observation booth, smashing the window. However, Rei was standing at the window instead of Gendo, as was the case in the first test, causing Misato Katsuragi to wonder if Unit 00 was trying to kill Rei. Meanwhile, Ritsuko feels that Unit 00 was trying to attack Ritsuko herself. At the end of the episode, Rei uses Unit 00 to bring the Lance of Longinus recovered from Antarctica to the deepest level of NERV’s base, Terminal Dogma.


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