Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
2010 - Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
At Blackwood Manor in Providence County, Rhode Island in the 19th century, renowned wildlife painter Lord Emerson Blackwood summons his housekeeper to the basement where he reluctantly bludgeons her to death. He removes her teeth, as well as his own, and offers them to mysterious creatures inside an ash pit within an old fireplace; the creatures reject his offer and demand only the teeth of children. Blackwood begs for them to give back his kidnapped son, only to be dragged in by the creatures.
In the present day, 8-year-old Sally Hurst arrives in Rhode Island to live with her father Alex and his girlfriend Kim; both are restoring Blackwood Manor to put it on the market for their client. Sally is depressed due to her mother forcefully putting her in Alex’s care and giving her copious amounts of Adderall. The creatures are awakened by a tune from the nightlight. The next day, Sally hears the creatures calling her name and follows the voices to a sealed fireplace. “BE AFRAID” is written in runes above it.
She opens the fireplace and finds one of the old housekeeper’s teeth. The creatures prove to be hostile, stealing Alex’s razor and shredding Kim’s clothes. Alex blames Sally and finds a 19th-century silver coin in her possession, which she found under her pillow after the tooth disappeared. Sally sneaks to the basement to talk with the creatures, but Mr. Harris, one of the workers, sends her away and tries to seal the fireplace. The creatures brutally attack him and he is hospitalized.
Kim visits Harris in the hospital, who tells her to find the unpublished artwork of Lord Blackwood in the local library. The artwork is of a creature the librarian describes as being like tooth fairies, which sometimes turn a human into one of their own. Sally is attacked again by the creatures, the leader being a transformed Lord Blackwood. Kim finds an undiscovered mural painted by Blackwood, depicting his son being taken by the creatures. Sally is trapped in the library by the creatures, but fends them off using her camera flash since they are afraid of the light. She also manages to kill one of them.
Alex and Kim try to flee the house with Sally but they are all ambushed by the creatures and knocked out. When Sally wakes up, her feet have been tied, and the creatures are starting to drag her to the basement for her transformation. Kim awakens and frees Sally, only to get caught herself in the ropes and break both her legs in a gruesome manner. The creatures drag Kim into the fireplace, as a distraught Sally crushes the creature who used to be Lord Blackwood to death. Alex and Sally mourn Kim’s loss.
Some time later, both return to the abandoned mansion to leave a drawing of Kim there. After they leave, a draft blows the drawing into the creatures’ lair; the entrance is now bolted with metal. Kim has now been transformed. As the creatures plan to come out, Kim convinces them to stay in hiding because they “have all the time in the world” and others will come to the manor.