# darkCast

Where Sound Unleashes Imagination

Star Trek: Discovery

Season 02

S02E02 - New Eden

Confronted with the log entry, Pike reveals Spock committed himself to a psychiatric unit one week after taking leave and requested Starfleet inform neither Burnham nor their parents. Discovery detects another signal and uses its experimental spore drive to travel to it, finding a planet with a previously unknown human population. A looped transmission suggests the population departed Earth during World War III. Pike and Burnham lead an away team to the surface, finding a primitive society with a religion combining multiple faiths. As the investigation continues, an anomaly produces an extinction-level radiation shower. Ensign Sylvia Tilly, acting on a fellow ensign’s advice, uses a sample from the asteroid’s non-baryonic matter to avert the catastrophe. Tilly later recognizes the ensign as May Ahearn, a high school classmate who died five years earlier. Pike reviews footage from a helmet camera belonging to a founding member of the society, which shows the Red Angel bringing the population to Terralysium from Earth.


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