# darkCast

Where Sound Unleashes Imagination

Star Trek: Discovery

Season 02

S02E03 - Point Of Light

Amanda Grayson, Spock’s mother and Burnham’s adoptive mother, learns that Spock has escaped the psychiatric unit and is wanted for murdering three doctors. She steals his medical records and takes them to Discovery for decryption. Grayson recognizes a drawing in the records from Spock’s childhood art: the Red Angel. Burnham admits to emotionally hurting Spock when they were young to protect him from Vulcan’s logic extremists. On Qo’noS, Klingon house leader Kol-Sha threatens to kill Starfleet Officer Ash Tyler—formerly the Klingon Voq—and the Klingon Empire’s leader L’Rell for having a secret child together. The pair kill Kol-Sha with the help of Philippa Georgiou, the Empress of the Mirror Universe’s Terran Empire, who is now an agent of Starfleet’s secretive Section 31. In a ruse to consolidate power, L’Rell convinces the Klingon High Council that Tyler and the baby are dead. Georgiou delivers the baby to a monastery and recruits Tyler to Section 31. Burnham and Engineer Paul Stamets use dark matter to remove a parasite from Tilly that caused her hallucination of May.


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