# darkCast

Where Sound Unleashes Imagination

Star Trek: Discovery

Season 03

S03E05 - Die Trying

Using Senna’s memories, Adira guides Discovery to Starfleet headquarters. Starfleet Commander-in-Chief Charles Vance asks for Burnham, Saru, and Adira to beam over to the base, where Adira is taken away for medical testing. Vance informs Saru and Burnham that the crew will be interrogated and reassigned while their ship is studied, which Saru agrees to in hopes of earning the trust of Starfleet. Realizing that Starfleet is dealing with a health crisis that could be solved through the seed archives aboard the USS Tikhov, Burnham receives approval from Vance to take the Discovery crew there with the spore drive and retrieve the seeds. They find the occupants of the Tikhov dead except for a man who is fatally injured. He is the same species as security officer Nhan, who decides to remain with the Tikhov to ensure he and his family receive a proper burial. Discovery returns to Starfleet with the seeds, and an antidote for the health crisis is synthesized. Due to this success, Vance agrees that the Discovery crew may remain together but insists that they answer to him.


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