Van Helsing
Season 04
S04E11 - All Apologies
Violet, Axel, and Julius travel to Fort Collins to search for the pages from the Van Helsing book, while Jack and Ivory try to rescue Hansen. Jack and Ivory come across Michaela undergoing a ritual and kill her, learning Hansen has been taken away to Fort Collins. Axel and Julius divert the attention of Fort Collins’s guards while Violet slips into the base. Recalling the clues Hansen gave her, Violet locates the pages and frees Hansen, who is being tortured by the Oracle for the pages’ location. Axel is arrested by Col. Nicholson, commander of the base, who demands Axel tell him all he knows about the Van Helsings. Axel breaks free and persuades Nicholson to join him and Julius. They reunite with Jack, Violet, and the injured Hansen. The Oracle gloats, revealing that she plans to let Violet and Jack lead her to the Dark One.